A time of learning
After months of physical activity during the warm months, winter was a time to feed the spirit and mind, to learn chants, genealogy and history. This is continued today throughout many whānau, hapu and iwi.
“Ko Puanga, ko Matariki, e rua, e rua. He wā hokinga mahara, he wā whakariterite mō te tau e tata ana, he wā ki te wānanga, a, he wā whakanui i ngā kaupapa ā-tāngata.”
Waka Huia - Māori Television SE15 EP08 Puanga Master
According to the majority of Māoridom, Matariki (Pleaides) denotes the be-ginning of the new year for Māori. However, some people consider Puanga (Rigel) instead to signal the new year. Even though celebrations have been and gone in welcoming the new year, this documentary serves to give an in-sight to the Whanganui and Taranaki people and their belief in Puanga de-noting the new year.
Director: Ani-Piki Tuari
Kauhau Session: S7 – #8 SPECIAL PUANGA SESSION - Part 1 of 2 Puanga 101
Che Wilson shares his knowledge about Puanga in a 2 Part series.
Puanga — “Māori considered that Rigel, which they called Puanga, was a fruit, and birds would alight on the perch to feed.”
Learn about Puanga and Matariki
Matariki Te Whetū o te Tau | Dr Rangi Matamua and Living by the Stars & CORE Education
Learn about Matariki with Dr Rangi Matamua from Living by the Stars. This seminar was broadcast on 29 June 2021 by CORE Education (https://bit.ly/363hq7e) and Living by the Stars (https://bit.ly/2UggSbq). To continue to learn more about Matariki (and have interesting information come straight to your inbox), sign up to this dedicated database https://bit.ly/3qzGZGw
Ngā Whetū — the stars
Matariki Signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the environment, and the gathering of people. Also connected to health and well-being of people
Waitī Freshwater and food sources sustained within it
Waitā Ocean and food sources within it
Waipuna-ā-rangi Rain
Tupuānuku Associated with everything that grows within the soil to be harvested or gathered
Tupuārangi Associated with everything that grows in the trees: frjits, berries, birds
Ururangi Associated with the winds
Pōhutukawa Associated with those who have passed on
Hiwa-i-te-rangi Associated with granting our wishes abd realising our aspirations for the coming year