It is during this time that we traditionally prepared for the colder weather by making clothing, collecting winter foods, transplanting or planting shrubs and trees.
Puanga is also a time to prepare the māra garden and ensure that winter frosts will help to kill any weeds or soil infections.

It is during these cold months that the following activities were traditionally acknowledged...
Huka mātahi – first snow fall - Incantations were said to acknowledge the first snow fall and ceremonies connected to fire.
Wānanga – going into oneself, a time for learning - After months of physical activity during the warm months, winter was a time to feed the spirit and mind, to learn chants, genealogy and history.
Rāranga me te whatu – clothes making - Following the summer collection of resources like flax, during autumn the fibre was then processed ready to be woven in the shelter of the home during the cold months.
Kohi kai – collecting winter foods - Most of the food collected earlier would be stored in subterranean pits or elevated storehouses though some fish and food like kōmata (cabbage tree) were gathered during winter.
Mīroia e Tāne – transplanting or planting of shrubs and trees - As the cold months endure, the native trees go into a semi state of hibernation which is ideal for transplanting of trees and especially flax. It is also during this damp time that it is good to plant native trees so they can accustom themselves before the growing time of spring and summer.