Ka Titiro ki muri, ka haere ki mua - Look to the past to move into the future
It is a time to reflect on the past, acknowledging those who have passed on whilst looking towards the future and the up coming new season.

National traditions
The customary practices relating to Puanga/Matariki are significant to Aotearoa, New Zealand and the tangata whenua (custodians of the land) of the Whanganui region. The traditional context of observing the rise of the star constellation Matariki (Pleiades) or Puanga (Rigel) connects Māori to land and sea, food-harvesting and weather patterns, gathered to share hospitality and kai (food) and to entertain and learn.
Many of these aspects of Matariki have gained momentum in recent years and this philosophy have inspired for Iwi (tribe), Hapū (sub-tribe) and whānau (family) to gather for Matariki events with many other aspects of traditional Māori culture to be shared and celebrated with their wider community. National recognition of this special time is growing with events occurring regionally with great success.
Regional traditions
Though many aspects of this time were traditionally the same as elsewhere in Aotearoa, the celebration of the rising of Puanga has its own characteristics and stories unique to this region.